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Performance Ensembles








6:30-7:30 pm


1:30-3:30 pm

Senior Ensemble

CBA is pleased to offer students in Ballet 5 through 8 additional rehearsal and performance opportunities through participation in its Performance Ensembles. The Senior Ensemble is open to students enrolled in Ballet 7B and 8, while the Junior Ensemble is open to students enrolled in Ballet 5, 6, and 7A. Students must be enrolled for the full program for their level and have consistent attendance to be eligible. Special permission from the director may be requested for alternate eligibility. No audition is required.


Both Ensembles perform in the Winter Showcase and in additional sections of the Annual Concert. Additional performance opportunities will be announced as they arise. Rehearsal periods may be extended or added as needed.

Tuition per Semester Junior Ensemble: $300


Tuition per Semester Senior Ensemble: $430



Dates: Classes run over two semesters, starting August 26, 2024. Please visit our Calendar for details.

Students will be automatically enrolled in the second semester unless CBA is notified of a change in registration.




Tuition is non-refundable and is due two weeks prior to the first day of each semester


A limited number of scholarships are available. Please email us for application details. Scholarship support is made possible by the generosity of Patti Eylar and Charles Gardner and Jim and Linda Mitchell.



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